As a university student, Kuze secretly had feelings for the law lecturer, Kitahara-san. However, knowing his professor was married, Kuze sealed away those emotions. Now, seven years later, Kuze finds himself working as Kitahara’s assistant because of a bizarre coincidence. What’s more, Kitahara is no longer wearing his wedding ring.... Can Kuze revive his feelings and reach out for happiness?
Mangaka: Ajimine Sakufu
Miyake Kenta × Kishio Daisuke
Nojima Hirofumi
Ķĭmĭ ňō Ŧŝūĸū Ũŝō ŧō Ħōňŧōū M+CD:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Track 3 Doesn't work anymore! Why is that? Can you fix it? :((